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Born in Elderslie.

(Q:  Where's that?   A:   Near Paisley.)

Raised in Rothesay.

(Q:  Where's that?  A:   Isle of Bute. Not that far from Paisley.)

Flew the nest for a flat in Fenny Stratford.

(Q:  Where's that?  A:   A fair old distance from Paisley.)

Studied Film at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham.

(Q:  Where's that?  A:   Far, far away from Paisley.)

Now living in Port Bannatyne.

(Q:  Where's that?  A:   Isle of Bute. Slightly further away from Paisley than Rothesay is.)

After graduating from Farnham with a degree in Pinball Wizardry (Third Class) I hurried for the door marked ‘Rock Superstardom’ only to find it firmly locked when The Halcyon Days imploded after a career spanning one and half songs and three rehearsals. The time had come to explore other avenues. Many of those avenues proved to be dark, foreboding thoroughfares leading to misadventures in administration, textile distribution, photographic manipulation, parcel separation and public space observation.  Then, one chillsome, drizzle-veiled night, I happened upon a sheet of damp foolscap, a broken HB pencil and an Olympus OM20. I smuggled these treasures inside the welcoming, beery warmth of The Fusty Mariner and, in between snapping pictures of the pub's extremely photogenic clientele, I began to scribble. These scribblings resulted in the debut novel The Buzz Building released 2014.

Since that time, the pencil has become yet stubbier having been put to further good use in writing the screenplay for the cult horror movie The Circle (directed by Peter Callow) which premiered in London, 2017. After a thorough sharpening in 2018, Old Stubby produced a second novel - The Hectic Headspace of Abigail Squall. When not writing I can be found wandering the hills and bays of Bute camera in hand. But now I am pleased to report that work is well underway on Book #3 which will hopefully be completed by the summer of 2046.

a Cool Hat design  ©2024 Scott O'Neill

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